
Isabel Marant for H&M?

I havent been this excited for an H&M collaboration since Lanvin's collection in 2010, (check out that blog post here). The exquisite french designer, Isabel Marant has decided to bring her brand to H&M for an unforgettable collection dropping this winter, November 14th to be exact. Her collection brings the trendiest of trends such as her oversized box coats, menswear inspired blazers, tapered sweat pants, bulky bohemian sweaters, disco party dresses, and elegant accessory pieces. Lucky for you, I was able to snag a few exclusive pictures of this admirable collaboration, check it out.


New York State of Mind (Life Post)

Well, so far my experience in the city has been "Real". Real in the sense that life is expensive.  I also came to the realization that I am a Real adult now, with Real Adult bills, without a Real adult salary. Fortunately, I was able to land a really cool job in SOHO, NY. I am currently working as a sales associate for American Apparel (AA). AA is pretty awesome, my coworkers are outgoing and very social like myself, which is a plus!

Living in New York I sometimes feel out of place. Ive been doubting myself and my talents lately. New York City is a somewhat like night and day compared to North Carolina. North Carolina was satisfying, I was able to accomplish everything I would set my mind to. I knew everyone, I was able to build a strong following base and a good foundation for my brand.

Here, I feel as if I know no one. I basically have to build an entire new life for myself, sort of like starting from the bottom. My first week I was motivated by everything; I was able to move into my new Brooklyn apartment, I landed a really cool job, and I even got acquainted with my neighborhood. But, I have been living here for a month now and I already feel as if I have become complacent. I'm scared I might lose my drive, my passion, and my purpose. I kind of feel incomplete, I need motivation. There are million and one ideas that run through my brain on a daily basis.

Opportunities haven't been handed to me, so I have to create them.