
What Means The World To You

I know I do this all the time but you have to understand I'm an inspirational writer. I really have to be affected by something in order to write. A lot has changed in my life and it has become harder for me to explain my life and all that I have been up to. But in a quick synopsis I've just been working hard, learning, and adapting to the changes around me. I'm often surrounded by positive energy but somehow the connotation I have of certain expectations seem to affect me the most.

How can a person with so much to be thankful for let the simplest of things affect them, a perfectionist that's who! I wouldn't consider myself a perfectionist well, maybe I haven't came to the realization that I actually am. I tend to know how certain situations will play out, I call it my "been there, done that" theory. So, when things dont go the way I planned them to, I shut down immediately. I'm not sure why but I do and from there I struggle with channeling my negative energy into something positive and finding my happy space again. 

This has been an issue for me, a problem I struggle with. I'm working on it tho and I'll let you know how it goes. . . . .

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