
New York City...(Life Post)

This New York lifestyle is a lot difficult than what I imagined. It's like every other week I'm falling in and out of depression. Although I am surround by selfdriven and intelligent women I somehow still manage to get caught up. My career has seen an improvement over the past few months but I'm still know where close to being the women I envision myself to be. I constantly tell myself that God has a plan and things will happen in life the way they are supposed to. But then I look at those around me doing the things that I want to do, living the lifestyle that I want to have, and I think to myself. I can do that, why am I not doing that? Why am I not afforded the exact same opportunities as them? I wonder, am I not good enough? What is it that I lack? What could I possibly be doing wrong? These are the type of thoughts that have been pacing back and forth in my mind lately. This place, this city that I've grown to love and hate at the very same time!
-Thoughts From The Subway. 


  1. Ryan I haven't moved to the big city yet but I can relate to every single feeling in this post I have these thoughts everday ...A rich man once told me "You can have anything you want if you're willing to wait on it" You, Ryan obviously have the drive and passion of a successful individual. You can't get caught in the moment and worry about what's happening around you. You have to focus on your vision and nothing else. Do that and don't give up on your dreams and I'm sure you will get where you want to be.. ;)

    1. Wow, this is the realist thing I've heard all day! Your right, I definitely need to keep my vision in mind at all times. Its easy to get side track and lose focus. Thank you for the comment and support, have a great day!

  2. Ryan!! You spoke to me and I thank you. Although I've just graduated I found myself in the dumps of despair because I took heed to all the advice given about preparing myself for life after graduation. It feels like I managed to graduate with the foundation necessary and nothing else will fall into place. I heard in church Sunday that "God promised to perfect all things concerning us. He does not want us to be a spectator but a participator. Be active in what we want to see him too." I think you have a wonderful heart and incredible ambition and he used you to tell me I am not the only one, I have to keep pushing. Our time is coming!! I have faith in you girl!! And great blog!!!

    1. I knew I wasn't the only one feeling this way! I try to keep as much positive energy around me but sometimes its easy to get sidetrack. But your absolutely right Lauren, we have to keep pushing through, no matter what. Our worst days won't be able to compete with our best days. God has a plan for us, and we have a lot to offer the world so lets continue to strive for success!

  3. I feel the same way, and I haven't even moved to "the big city" yet -- so consider yourself further along than me. Just gotta keep working hard and staying faithful because you don't lose until you quit!

    1. Thanks Morgan! I love your blog btw, its so cute!
