
Musically Influenced

What does music do to you? Do you listen to a variety of genres? Or are you musically inclined to one specific artist and one specific genre? However you feel, the type of music you listen to has a lot to do with your character. Not to say you can judge a persons entire character by their playlist on their iPod but, I believe it has a lot to do with their current situation in life or mood. 

I always wonder what the person sitting next to me on the train is listening to because music is powerful and it plays a major role in my life. I am open to all genres but lately I've been listening to A LOT of Beyoncé, Beyonce, Beyoncé oh yeah and Beyoncé. I've never been a huge fan of Beyoncé until now and I definitely can respect this women's hustle. She produces amazing work and I was totally inspired by her visual album. 

When I'm not listening to Beyoncé I am playing Justin Bieber's new album "Journals", which is pretty decent. He has a few great artist featured as well such as R. Kelly, Future, and a few others. Bieber's style is a mixture of a throw back Justin Timberlake and teenage Usher. One of my favorite tracks from the album is "Hold Tight", don't judge me. 

I also enjoy listening to artist like Lana Del Rey whose low and raspy voice drills me in with her spicy slick lyrics. Artist like John Legend, Jhene Aiko, Elle Varner, MIA, J. Cole and Drake also help me to maintain my sanity during my over crowed commute from Brooklyn to Manhattan. 

What are some artist that have positive influences over your current moods?

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