
What Now? ? ?

Ghetto Children, is not only geared towards fashion but, towards life and following your dreams; although, my original objective in 2010 was fashion. I was a Sophmore in college then, and fashion played a major role in my life. There were always fun activities going on around campus such as 10:40am breaks, basketball games, programs, and chicken Wednesdays in the cafe. My girlfriends and I dressed up for every occasion, a lot of times they would even look to me for fashion advice. 

My blogs purpose now, is to be of inspiration for everyone. It doesn't matter if your into fashion or not. Everyone encounters struggles, we all face hardships and challenges in life. Our goal despite it all, is to keep pushing and to keep moving forward. If you feel as though you aren't in a positive space in life, and your negative thoughts are beginning to take control over your actions, switch to surrounding yourself with positive people with good energy. Once you begin to think positively about yourself and your circumstances you will begin to see a positive change in your life. It's nice to have friends that you can talk to, that will always lend you advice of value. Sometimes it can get frustrating trying to communicate your emotions to someone who maybe unsympathetic to your situation. Engage in conversations with people who share the same interest that you have, that can also relate, or who are at least understanding. 

Once you begin to change your way of thinking, creat an outlet for yourself. My outlet is blogging, reading and fashion, yours may be be dancing, reading, writing, cooking, healthy living, or even mediating. These are all good forms of releasing negative energy to focus on something positive. 

Now, I've said all this to say we are only given one life to live and we are all blessed with specific gifts and talents. I moved to New York City to pursue a dream. I believe that any and everything is possible with a little hard work, dedication, and a lot of faith. 

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